"Since the first time I held a camera, I’ve been obsessed with capturing and sharing images that reflect the truth, dignity and beauty around me. In 2020,  in the midst of a global pandemic and a civil rights movement, I had the privilege of documenting Black life throughout the US. The body of work I produced became my living love letter to Black America, to myself and my son. I found myself repeatedly questioning my conceptions of Blackness and justice, especially within the American context. What does justice mean for Black communities? Is it even possible to achieve justice if so much of our reality is created and endangered by the stories, histories, privileges and legacies we believe and spread? When will we see all Black bodies as free and deserving of the space they occupy? These photographs bear witness to our power, our spirit, and our roots—roots that defy and transcend fiery flames of injustice and cruelty to survive, experience joy, and even dare to flourish. I hope viewers will join me on this journey to push the boundaries of what we imagine as justice when we see black bodies as static images and in motion.”

Vanessa Charlot is an award-winning photojournalist, documentary photographer, filmmaker, lecturer and curator. Her photographs have appeared in the New York Times, Gucci, Vogue, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker, Oprah Magazine, The Atlantic, The Guardian, Apple, New York Magazine, Buzzfeed, Artnet News, and The Washington Post.


